From Me to You


I know you’ve been unstable lately,

Blades cutting through your skin,

I know you’ve had tremendous judgment lapses,

And moments, when you felt like your heart, was being ripped apart,

I know the compulsion’s back,

And every minute you feel like undoing everything we’ve built so far,

I know you’ve been feeling alone,

Strange kind of feeling, isn’t it?

I know your insomnia’s back,

And you haven’t been eating well lately,

I know your ulcers broke again,

A sign of how stressed you’ve been,

I know you’ve had your core beliefs shaken,

And for once,

That confidence is gone,

I know you’ve had the feeling,

Like going back a step could offer a reprieve,

Or just turn the clock and right some wrongs they put you through,

I know you’re unsettled,

And you wish you’d sleep and travel back a week or two before,

When you’d never sell out for money, food, or a soul,

Trust me,

I know all these because I am you,

And in as much as I can’t offer anything in the form of advice,

I’d like to tell you this,

It’s going to be okay,

I’ve been with you from the doping up days,

To the days of the wimpy man-child who fell apart when all was lost,

I’ve seen you grow from an unfocused teenager,

To the guy you are today,

I know you’ve got this man,

Just hold on and always remember,

That I’ll never walk away,

That’s a promise

From me to you.

@Job Kerry


Visual Spectacle

Visual Spectacle
The Journey
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Job Kerry
Name's Job Kerry. Bit of a loner, bit of an eccentric, and bit of awesome. I loooove music and deep reflection in nature. Check me out on twitter @jkerry66 and IG @job_kerry66